Saturday, December 15, 2012

Washington Crossing National Cemetary Wreaths Ceremony

December 15, 2012 - Wreaths Across America - A few shots of wreaths being put on graves at Washington Crossing National Cemetery.

All Images (c) 2012 Mark Keefer Photography and may not be used without written permission.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Venus and Jupiter Dance in the March Skies

Portrait of me with Venus and Jupiter over my shoulder.
I hope everyone has been enjoying this month's show. March 13, 2012, was an unseasonably warm night perfect for stargazing. The night's show can be seen over the next several nights during the early evenings as you look toward the western sky. Venus (brighter to the right) and Jupiter (slightly lower to the left) have not appeared this close together in 24 years.

Here is a link to a nice article on the conjunction at

Venus and Jupiter above horizon at Northampton Municipal Park.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lens On Bucks - New Hope in February - By Mark Keefer

Check out the gallery of shots taken Friday in New Hope.

All Images (c)2012 Mark Keefer

Lens On Bucks - Divers at Core Creek Park Today - By Mark Keefer

It was a cold February day at Core Creek Park today where scuba divers were braving the frigid waters. Bucks County Emergency Services Dive Rescue Support and Lower Southampton Fire Department with their Marine Rescue were doing a drill, practicing their skills despite the cold water as a real rescue could happen any time of the year in any temperature water.

All Images (c)2012 Mark Keefer Photography